Are you a small business owner?

I feel your pain, I have stood where you stand and websites can seem like an unending pain in your butt. But I am here to help, If you are looking to generate thousands of sales on your google listings with millions of view on your website.. please go somewhere else. 

Wether you are looking for something that sits unchanged for long periods of time, or something that needs to be updated weekly. I make it as easy as possible. I will build your website, then I will sit down with you and show you exactly how your new website works, how to access it and change it to be exactly what you need!

If you are interested please feel free to contact me through

Phone: 509.998.0615

Email: [email protected]

WordPress Framework

I use a fantastic theme called Divi that is very much click and type… in fact I am using it right now! It’s super simple and really easy to use.  I have setup and worked with Church’s that update their website several times a week.

If I can teach a 7th grader, who has never used a computer how to delete a deer from a photo using photoshop, I think I can teach your team how to add posts and pages. 


It’s not GSuite, it isn’t Microsoft, its just basic… But it will at least be @yourdomain!! So that’s great! It pairs with any email application (Outlook, Mail, Gmail, etc). I prefer the Gmail app, it works great and has unlimited storage!

If you would like to setup Microsoft emails or GSuite emails we can certainly do that as well! (Gsuite is better in my opinion).


I charge by the page for my services depending on the complexity of the pages I usually start @ $200 a page and go up from there.

If you would like me to build you a website please feel free to reach out to me

Phone: 509.998.0615
email: [email protected]


If you don’t have any pictures and you are not okay with simple default pictures found on stock sites. I do offer my photography skills, depending on the complexity I charge by the hour – $150.


Each year(s) you will need to renew your hosting with me. I will send email reminders but you can sign up for more hosting here! I offer a couple different length options, 1 year, 2 years, or 5 years.